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Illuminate the altar space,
anoint it with smoke or vapor,
and prepare the appropriate
components before beginning.

Wash both hands in clean water and pray

Haec aqua impuritates a corpore velut
plumbo ad aurum mutando eluat
(May this water cast out all impurities
from my substance as from lead to gold.)
Purga mentem (Purify my mind.)
Purga corpus (Purify my body.)
Purga animum (Purify my heart.)
Ita est! (It is so.)

Purify the whole space
with lustral water – saying
this sacred phrase repeatedly
as you make your way around.

Procul, o procul, este profani!
(Begone whatever is unholy)


Honor Frig and Woden
with reverent salutations
and water libations.

O Lady Frig;
I pour out this sacred water
libation to quench your thirst.
May you favor this libation
and grant me your blessings.

O Lord Woden;
I pour out this sacred water
libation to quench your thirst.
May you favor this libation
and grant me your blessings.


Honor the deities of the occasion,
one’s household penates, household lares
and ancestral manes with reverent
salutations and water libations.

O Lady Fortuna;
I pour out this sacred water
libation to quench your thirst.
May you favor this libation
and grant me your blessings.

O Lord Liber;
I pour out this sacred water
libation to quench your thirst.
May you favor this libation
and grant me your blessings.

O Lady Venepona;
I pour out this sacred water
libation to quench your thirst.
May you favor this libation
and grant me your blessings.

O Lord Mercanubis;
I pour out this sacred water
libation to quench your thirst.
May you favor this libation
and grant me your blessings.

O Lady Basdiana;
I pour out this sacred water
libation to quench your thirst.
May you favor this libation
and grant me your blessings.

O Lord Horapollo;
I pour out this sacred water
libation to quench your thirst.
May you favor this libation
and grant me your blessings.

O Lady Minermaat;
I pour out this sacred water
libation to quench your thirst.
May you favor this libation
and grant me your blessings.

O Lord Ammon;
I pour out this sacred water
libation to quench your thirst.
May you favor this libation
and grant me your blessings.

O Household Lares;
I pour out this sacred water
libation to quench your thirst.
May you favor this libation
and grant me your blessings.

O Ancestral Manes;
I pour out this sacred water
libation to quench your thirst.
May you favor this libation
and grant me your blessings.


Wash both hands in clean water.
Address each sacred divinity
With offerings of sacred words

O Lady Frig, Allmother,
Mater Vesta, Cybele, Hathor,
and by any other sacred
name you may prefer;
Hail to you blessed goddess
who guides the hearth
and enlivens the home.
You bless the world with
your great, material love
and every domestic craft.
May you favor these words
and grant me your blessings.

O Lord Woden, Allfather,
Pater Janus, Lugus, Atum,
and by any other sacred
name you may prefer;
Hail to you blessed god
who guides all doorways
and protects all livelihoods.
You bless the world with
your great, paternal love
and every social function.
May you favor these words
and grant me your blessings.

O Lady Fortuna, Isis
Rosmerta, Edunne,
and by any other sacred
name you may prefer;
Hail to you blessed goddess
who brings good fortune and
favors the lands and markets.
You bless the world with
luck, fate, grace, fecundity
and every venture to be sought.
May you favor these words
and grant me your blessings.

O Lord Liber, Set,
Sucellus, Lord Osiris,
and by any other sacred
name you may prefer;
Hail to you blessed god
who brings liberation and
favors the vine and pleasure,
You bless the world with
great joy, creativity, chaos
and every sacred liberty.
May you favor these words
and grant me your blessings.

O Lady Venepona,
Eastre, Ishtar, Inanna,
and by any other sacred
name you may prefer;
Hail to you blessed goddess
who brings cosmic love that
favors beauty of every kind.
You bless the world with
love, intimacy, sexuality,
charm and every sacred union.
May you favor these words
and grant me your blessings.

O Lord Mercanubis,
Moccus, Khonsu, Thoth,
and by any other sacred
name you may prefer;
Hail to you blessed god
who brings knowledge and
favors swiftness of every kind.
You bless the world with
great intellect, humor, markets
and every sacred form of magic.
May you favor these words
and grant me your blessings.

O Lady Basdiana,
Mafdet, Luna, Trivia, Artio,
and by any other sacred
name you may prefer;
Hail to you blessed goddess
who brings powerful love and
favors beasts of every kind.
You bless the world with
divine love, nature, strength,
the hunt and celestial lunacy.
May you favor these words
and grant me your blessings.

O Lord Horapollo,
Sol Invictus, Resheph,
Ra, Grannus, Belenus,
and by any other sacred
name you may prefer;
Hail to you blessed god
who brings power and healing
that favors light of every kind.
You bless the world with
spiritual purity, order, power,
prophecy and celestial fire.
May you favor these words
and grant me your blessings.

O Lady Minermaat,
Juno, Anat, Neith,
and by any other sacred
name you may prefer;
Hail to you blessed goddess
who brings wisdom and harmony
that favors justice of every kind.
You bless the world with
harmony, purity, and order
that guides all of civilization.
May you favor these words
and grant me your blessings.

O Lord Ammon, Taranis,
Thunor, Baal Hadad,
and by any other sacred
name you may prefer;
Hail to you blessed god
who has awesome, hidden power
that fills the sky with great storms.
You bless the world with
vast, magnificent sovereignty
which guides unseen forces.
May you favor these words
and grant me your blessings.

O Household Gods,
Hail to you blessed gods
who embody the home
and all domestic things
your influence maintains.
You bless the world with
comfort, security, fresh food
and the company of family.
May you favor these words
and grant me your blessings.

O Ancestral Spirits,
Hail to you blessed ancestors
who embody great, ancient
wisdom that speaks to us
from realms beyond.
You bless the world with
the powerful achievements
and the cultures we preserve.
May you favor these words
and grant me your blessings.

Ita est!

Wash both hands in clean water.


Make any additional offerings and
personal requests to particular deities.


Quietly contemplate about the
gods and watch for signs.


Make any additional prayers and offerings
to pertinent deities – taking time to make
sincere expiations to the gods.

O Ancestral Manes;
I pour out this sacred water
libation for any unbeknownst offense.
May you accept this expiation.

O Household Lares;
I pour out this sacred water
libation for any unbeknownst offense.
May you accept this expiation.

O Lord Ammon;
I pour out this sacred water
libation for any unbeknownst offense.
May you accept this expiation.

O Lady Minermaat;
I pour out this sacred water
libation for any unbeknownst offense.
May you accept this expiation.

O Lord Horapollo;
I pour out this sacred water
libation for any unbeknownst offense.
May you accept this expiation.

O Lady Basdiana;
I pour out this sacred water
libation for any unbeknownst offense.
May you accept this expiation.

O Lord Mercanubis;
I pour out this sacred water
libation for any unbeknownst offense.
May you accept this expiation.

O Lady Venepona;
I pour out this sacred water
libation for any unbeknownst offense.
May you accept this expiation.

O Lord Liber;
I pour out this sacred water
libation for any unbeknownst offense.
May you accept this expiation.

O Lady Fortuna;
I pour out this sacred water
libation for any unbeknownst offense.
May you accept this expiation.

O Lord Woden;
I pour out this sacred water
libation for any unbeknownst offense.
May you accept this expiation.

O Lady Frig;
I pour out this sacred water
libation for any unbeknownst offense.
May you accept this expiation.

May you all depart in peace and benevolence.

Wash hands in clean water a
final time and bow in silence.