I come before you with a pure mind, body and eternal spirit – unburdened by society’s whims; My heart is lighter than a plume. Let this rite be a testament to my sacred devotion, and let my intent be without any ambiguity or the flaws of a wayward mind. O blessed deities, hidden ones, land spirits, house spirits and ancestors, through this water may you remove all evil from my altar. May you remove evil from my household, my every chosen, personal endeavor, and from the lives of those I care for.
Come to me, O blessed deities, hidden ones, land spirits, house spirits and ancestors, so that I may give to you my heartfelt prayers and living essence in your most sanctified, pure, and powerful presence. Upon the hour that this ritual is now performed, let these acts through faith and all my sacred words declare that near to you my soul is guided towards virtue and the blessed fate it provides.
O Lord Amun, Adad, Marduk, Jupiter, Taranis, Thunor, or by any other sacred name you may prefer; Hail to you blessed god who has exalted, hidden power that fills the skies with great storms. You bless the world with vast, magnificent sovereignty which guides unseen forces. In your honor, I offer you my essence so that through me you may live. May you favor what I give to you and grant me your divine blessings.
O Lady Neith, Shala, Minerva, Belisama, Brigantia, Sunna, or by any other sacred name you may prefer; Hail to you blessed goddess who brings wisdom and harmony that favors justice of every kind. You bless the world with harmony, purity, and order that guides all of civilization. In your honor, I offer you my essence so that through me you may live. May you favor what I give to you and grant me your divine blessings.
O Lord Horus, Ashur, Shamash, Apollo, Belenos, Hama, or by any other sacred name you may prefer; Hail to you blessed god who brings power and healing that favors light of every kind. You bless the world with illumination, inspiration, divination, creativity, music, art, fitness, finesse and beauty, spiritual purity, order, power, prophecy and celestial fire. In your honor, I offer you my essence so that through me you may live. May you favor what I give to you and grant me your divine blessings.
O Lady Bastet, Ningal, Diana, Trivia, Epona, Eastre, or by any other sacred name you may prefer; Hail to you blessed goddess who brings powerful love and favors beasts of every kind. You bless the world with divine love, nature, femininity, children, strength, magic, mysticism, the hunt and celestial lunacy. In your honor, I offer you my essence so that through me you may live. May you favor what I give to you and grant me your divine blessings.
O Lord Set, Nergal, Ninurta, Mars, Camulos, Tiw, or by any other sacred name you may prefer; Hail to you blessed god who brings the primality of the wilderness and favors sacred chaos in all its forms. You bless the world with boldness, independence, strength, masculinity, intensity, conflict and the transformative power of the unknown. In your honor, I offer you my essence so that through me you may live. May you favor what I give to you and grant me your divine blessings.
O Lady Sekhmet, Mafdet, Mullissu, Victoria, Andarta, Modru, or by any other sacred name you may prefer; Hail to you blessed goddess who wields fearsome power through your sacred madness. You bless the world with war, conflict, chaos, independence, tenacity, femininity, healing and triumph over adversity. In your honor, I offer you my essence so that through me you may live. May you favor what I give to you and grant me your divine blessings.
O Lord Thoth, Khonsu, Nanna, Janus, Ogmios, Mona, or by any other sacred name you may prefer; Hail to you blessed god who brings knowledge and favors communication of every kind. You bless the world with great intellect, law, communication, writing, science, technology, culture, temples, wisdom, magic and mysticism. In your honor, I offer you my essence so that through me you may live. May you favor what I give to you and grant me your divine blessings.
O Lady Maat, Seshat, Gula, Vesta, Nemetona, Wyrde, or by any other sacred name you may prefer; Hail to you blessed goddess who maintains cosmic order and favors virtue in all its forms. You bless the world with harmony, fairness, compassion, mercy, learning, communication, writing, science, technology, civic life, healing, the hearth and all sacred spaces. In your honor, I offer you my essence so that through me you may live. May you favor what I give to you and grant me your divine blessings.
O Lord Anubis, Nabu, Mercurius, Cernunnos, Lugos, Woden, or by any other sacred name you may prefer; Hail to you blessed god who brings knowledge, guides departed souls in the underworld and favors pure hearts of every kind. You bless the world with death, the underworld, wisdom, magic, mysticism, humor, commerce, travel, transitions, transformations, sincerity and sacred oaths. In your honor, I offer you my essence so that through me you may live. May you favor what I give to you and grant me your divine blessings.
O Lady Hathor, Ishtar, Venus, Rosmerta, Sirona, Frig, or by any other sacred name you may prefer; Hail to you blessed goddess who brings cosmic love that favors beauty of every kind. You bless the world with love, intimacy, domesticity, sexuality, crafts, ancestral wisdom, divine law, war and every sacred union. In your honor, I offer you my essence so that through me you may live. May you favor what I give to you and grant me your divine blessings.
O Lord Osiris, Tammuz, Faunus, Liber, Sucellos, Ing, or by any other sacred name you may prefer; Hail to you blessed god who brings ecstatic liberation. You bless the world with desire, sexuality, fertility, agriculture, wine, intoxication, humor, creativity, theatre, prosperity, transformation, chaos, rebirth, the unknown and every sacred liberty. In your honor, I offer you my essence so that through me you may live. May you favor what I give to you and grant me your divine blessings.
O Lady Isis, Ereshkigal, Ceres, Fortuna, Nantosuelta, Erce, or by any other sacred name you may prefer; Hail to you blessed goddess who brings good fortune and favors all forms of abundance. You bless the world with the harvest, agriculture, magic, time, fate, good fortune, grace, fecundity, prosperity, commerce, spontaneity, humor, optimism, and joyful ventures to be sought. In your honor, I offer you my essence so that through me you may live. May you favor what I give to you and grant me your divine blessings.
O Hidden Ones; Hail to you unknown gods who embody secret wisdom in all the realms that exist. You bless the world with sacred wonder and the powers we are yet to know. In your honor, I offer you my essence so that through me you may live. May you favor what I give to you and grant me your divine blessings.
O Land Spirits; Hail to you natural ones who embody living wisdom in all the elements that exist. You bless the world with every sacred, primordial, natural and elemental power โ in cities and the wilderness. In your honor, I offer you my essence so that through me you may live. May you favor what I give to you and grant me your divine blessings.
O House Spirits; Hail to you guardian spirits who protect the home and all domestic things your sacred influence maintains. You bless the world with comfort, security, fresh food and the company of both friends and close family. In your honor, I offer you my essence so that through me you may live. May you favor what I give to you and grant me your divine blessings.
O Ancestors; Hail to you departed ones who embody great, ancient wisdom that speaks to us from realms beyond. You bless the world with your labors, achievements and cultures which still define us in the present. In your honor, I offer you my essence so that through me you may live. May you favor what I give to you and grant me your divine blessings.
O blessed deities, hidden ones, land spirits, house spirits and ancestors; Let me commune with you in this rite. For any spiritual work that I perform – both now and in the future, I ask that you guide me towards success. In contemplating your wisdom, let me divine the correct path forward.
O blessed deities, hidden ones, land spirits, house spirits and ancestors; I thank you for your presence here during this ritual – as well as the many sacred blessings you have bestowed upon me and those I care about. May you all depart from here with true, righteous judgement, peace, wisdom and benevolence.