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Genia is a magical realm inhabited by ten ancient races in ten respective kingdoms. The inhabitants of Genia are known as the Genii. The Genii consider themselves to be physical embodiments of magical power granted to them by ancient, powerful gods and goddesses.

The Twelve Races


Nymphs or fishfolk are a silvery light blue scaled, piscine race that resemble anthropic sardines or mackarel. They have ectomorphic builds and are between three and four feet tall.


Boggarts or frogfolk are a bright green-skinned, ranine race that resemble anthropic frogs or toads. They have ectomorphic builds and are between three and four feet tall.


Drakes or lizardfolk are a dark, muted green-scaled, crocodiline race that resemble anthropic crocodiles, alligators or caiman. They have highly endomorphic builds and are between seven and eight feet tall.


Silvans or owlfolk are a medium grey feathered, strigine race that resemble anthropic, great grey owls with vibrant yellow eyes. They have mesomorphic builds and are between four and five feet tall.


Goblins or batfolk are a dark furred, chiropteran race that resemble wingless, anthropic bats with small, dark eyes. They have ectomorphic builds and are between three to four feet tall.


Goblins or harefolk are a furry, leporine race that resemble anthropic hares or rabbits. They have ectomorphic builds and are between four to five feet tall.


Elves or foxfolk are an agile, soft furred, vulpine race that resemble anthropic foxes. Red foxfolk or wood elves have reddish-orange fur and silver foxfolk or drow have deep black fur. All elves and drow have elegant, mesomorphic builds and are between six to seven feet tall.


Gnomes or catfolk are an agile, soft furred, feline race that resemble anthropic wild cats with muted, spotted fur in shades of greyish brown. Gnomes have mesomorphic builds and are between four and five feet tall.


Fauns or goatfolk are a playful, caprine race that resemble anthropic wild goats with light brown fur and bright eyes. They have mesomorphic builds and are between five and six feet tall.


Dwarves or badgerfolk are a mustelid race that resemble anthropic badgers. They have neutral back, white and grey fur. They have stout, mesomorphic builds and are between four to five feet tall.


Leshy or bearfolk are a dark, chestnut brown furred, ursine race that resemble anthropic grizzly bears. They have imposing, endomorphic builds and are between seven to eight feet tall.


Orcs or boarfolk are a bristly furred, suine race that resemble anthropic boars. Orcs have vibrant colored eyes in either red, yellow, green, blue or violet. Wood orcs or brown boarfolk have deep, muted brown fur and stone orcs or black orcfolk have dark, warm black fur. They have imposing, endomorphic builds and are between six to seven feet tall.

The Ten Kingdoms


Aestualia is littoral, estuary nation inhabited by the nymphs. Aestualians have a relaxed, carefree culture that heavily relies on fishing, seafaring and trade. Their shoreland kingdom highly emphasizes diplomacy and they are some of the most fluent in genic languages in the realm.

The patron deity of Aestualia is Lord Enki. Lord Enkis grants nymphs primal water magic, which they take full advantage of – particularly out in open ocean. Their water magic also confers great fortune, which only enhances their trade reputation. Aestualian magic and ritual is highly shamanic and is only taught by a willing elder. It can take many years for young nymphs to convince someone to teach them – if they can calm their wanderlust long enough to pay attention that is.


Paludinia is a paludal, swampy nation inhabited by the boggart race. Much like in Aestualia, the culture of Paludinia is very carefree, but typified by a love of comedy and mischief. They are more insular than their nymph neighbors, and prefer to let trade come to them – often negotiating along the many lakes and rivers of their kingdom. In the swamplands, familial relationships are highly emphasized, so although goblins make eager friends, they can also be very mistrustful if treated poorly.

The patron deity of Paludinia is Lady Heqet. Lady Heqet grants goblins powerful water magic, and divine healing that is rarely rivaled in Genia. Boggarts favor hedgewitchery, so the cult of Lady Heqet is spread out between many local covens. Most boggarts magic focuses on nature, the elements and healing, but there is a lot of mischievous craft thrown into the mix. Though not even endorsed, it is also not unheard of to stumble upon the boggart curses of wayward, vindictive young witches.


Eremosia is an inland desert nation inhabited by the drake race. Eremosian culture is highly competitive, but their desire for physical and mental perfection tempers their more aggressive nature. Drakes can certainly be territorial, but they are at their best when they focus on hard work and personal merit. Eremosian drakes are some of the most dedicated craftsman and laborers – constructing some of the most ambitious and long-standing artificial structures in all of Genia. Though they seldom start conflicts, they have a strong military to back any sort of antagonism from external threats.

The patron deity of Eremosia is Sobek. Eremosian magic, despite their reliance on the bounties of river systems and other bodies of water, is typified by the fire element and the blazing sun. Drakes are often powerful wielders of offensive fire magic, but this same power has been used to warm homes in the cold evening hours for countless generations. Their fire magic, much like light, often reveals hidden truths, so it is unsurprising that the stoic drakes are often quite adept at magic used to dispel illusions, curses or the ill effects of the darkest magic. Eremosian magic is highly ceremonial, and deeply tied to liturgical formula. The Eremosian priesthood is very grand in scope and their exorcists are highly regarded throughout the realm.


Silvatica is a woodland nation inhabited by the silvan race. Silvatican culture is often quite mysterious, as they don’t interact much with outsiders. They strongly value nature, but also have a strong emphasis on domestic and academic pursuits. They aren’t highly intelligent, despite popular perception. They aren’t even especially disciplined either. They are, however, highly inquisitive and greatly value learning about a wide variety of subjects. They passions are often as capricious as the wind, and their nocturnal lifestyle affords them a lot of time to experiment into the late hours of the morning – when they aren’t hunting, crafting or studying.

The patron deity of Silvatica is Lady Silvana. Silvatican magic is, as you might expect, highly tied to woodland mysteries, and is typified by the wind element. Though the strigine silvans are not flighted, their wind magic can, with years of practice, grant them gliding and levitation abilities. Aside from the purely offensive qualities of the wind element, Silvatican magic can also be used to carry and receive secret messages – it can also be used to eavesdrop or spy when the moment calls for it. In Silvatica, magic is strongly tied to wizardry colleges – nestled in the vast forests and hidden behind elaborate illusions. Much like Eremosians, their ritual practices are highly ceremonial, but with less of the clerical undertones. Silvans often prefer a looser hierarchy and much prefer personal instruction where possible.


Antrion is cavernous nation inhabited by the goblin race. Antrionite culture is somewhat solitary and secretive and often defined by crafting and industry, but also intelligence gathering and minor diplomacy with other nations. Young goblins are known for their wanderlust and mischievous behavior, but tempered by age and experience, goblins learn to be far more calculated.

The patron deity of Antrion is Ishtar. Goblin magic is strongly tied to raw sorcery and innate prowess. As goblins are a vampiric race, blood rites heavily feature in their initiations and spellwork. Goblin talismans are made with powerful metals they mine in the earth, but in contrast to the precision of dwarven craftsmanship, goblin craft is highly experimental. Goblin magic and ritual is based on bloodlines and powerful familiars. Despite their small stature, goblins often have a strong command of rather imposing familiars and can summon guardians where necessary. Goblins are unpredictable, so they should not be underestimated.


Vallestria is a grassland nation inhabited by the pucan race. Vallestrian culture is highly communal and domestic, with a strong emphasis on local elders, councils and cooperation. Vallestrians greatly value agriculture – particularly given their plant-based diet, but are must well-known for their creative inventions and traveling salesman.

The patron deity of Vallestria is Mercurius. Pucan magic is highly ceremonial and initiatory and ritual practice is regulated by local priesthoods. Vallestrian harefolk are strong in earth magic, talismanic magic and alchemy, but are known to adapt ideas from other races as well. Much like their pucan culture, their magical power is highly adaptable, and harefolk pride themselves in promoting physical agility so that they can avoid conflicts where appropriate.


Agrestica is a pastured nation inhabited by the faunal race. Agrestican culture is often most strongly defined by simple living and sensual pleasure. They are highly naturalistic and dedicated agriculturalists. Crafting, music and artistic endeavors are greatly valued among the Agrestican populous. Theatre is also something they are quite famous for.

The patron deity of Agrestica is Lord Faunus. Faunal magic is highly inspirational and prophetic in nature, so Agrestican magic is most strongly defined by bardic prowess, oracular prowess, and folkloric knowledge. The bardic magic of fauns is passed primarily through oral tradition, but out of necessity, this wisdom has been transmitted in text for many generations. Bardic apprentices are a common sight in Agrestica, but many young bards seek their own knowledge outside of official initiation. It is not uncommon for new traditions to begin in only a matter of a few generations because the oral tradition is accessible throughout the whole culture in some form or another. Agrestican magic is not elemental in nature, but it can enhance the power of the elements as they are. For this reason, fauns are highly prized as adventurers. Fauns also jump at the chance to learn more folklore from other cultures – especially in their youth.


Nemion is grove nation inhabited by the elven race. Nemionite culture is highly mystical and strongly defined by creative and spiritual pursuits. They are highly naturalistic, but strongly defined by domestic life and personal refinement. Nemionite elves are often quite reserved by possess great passions as well. They are careful to share their desires with outsiders, which is why elves have gained a reputation for stoicism. Drow are more likely to vocalize their passions though – much to the chagrin of their redder cousins.

The patron deity of Nemion is Lady Eostre. Elven magic is strongly tied to nature and the life force itself. They have strong healing magic, but the power of vital magic, as it were, gives them command over living creatures. This is an ability they take very seriously and seldom ever share with outsiders. To those that known elves deeply, they have come to learn that they have great agility – both physically and mentally. They are highly adaptable, and their ritual practices reflect that. It has ancient ceremony, but is far more druidic than clerical and ability is only conferred after many years of arduous training.


Pylia is canyon nation inhabited by the gnomean race. Pylian culture is most strongly defined by speed, agility, accuracy and an insatiable curiosity in all pursuits. Pylians are largely solitary by nature but are quite capricious and enjoy close friendships. They are generally easygoing but won’t hesitate to defend themselves – despite their smaller size. Gnome settlements are often quite tightly knit but just as wild and chaotic as their feline attitudes.

The patron deity of Pylia is Lady Bastet. Pylian magic is strongly elemental – often typified by fire in particular. Pylian catfolk are gifted sorcerers, but their skills are often honed through trial and error more than discipline. Most young gnomean mages are given personal instruction, but independent study is highly favored over formal colleges. Much like their leporine pucan brethren, gnomes believe in balancing physical strength with intellectual and magical aptitude. Gnomes are often brilliant inventors, and this shows in the talismans and magical devices they create. In contrast to the laborious pursuits of dwarves and goblins, gnomes prefer to tinker – with magic, technology or anything else.


Montion is cavernous, mining nation inhabited by the dwarven race. Montionite culture is highly pragmatic and most defined by manual labor, crafting and celebration after long days of toiling. Dwarven breweries are renown throughout Genia, but it is their crafted goods which are truly unrivaled. Dwarven passion is the most tenacious out of all the genic races and it shows in their craftsmanship.

The patron deity of Montion is Lord Weland. Dwarven magic is strongly tied to power of stone, crystal and metal. Thaumaturgic runes and alchemical prowess are what dwarven magic is all about. The rituals of Montion dwarves is ceremonial, clerical and intensely physical. Despite the often carefree tone of a dwarf in the midst of revelry and good drink, dwarven magic and ritual is the most arduous in all of Genia. It takes years of constant trial and error to achieve anything worthwhile, but the tenacity of dwarves makes it all possible. What they are able to produce through alchemy stands the rest of time. Though much of the efforts of dwarves are spent within the earth, their magic is not defined by that element. Through alchemy, and powerful relics, dwarven magic has the potential to embody any type of magic they desire.


Lutaria is marshland nation inhabited by the orcish race. Lutarian culture is deeply enigmatic and defined by deep, abiding and intense passions. Lutarians are a nocturnal race, so much of their society exists during night markets, festivals and celebrations. Orcs make excellent guardians, much like ogres, but their intelligence and indomitability make them just as suited towards creative pursuits, craftsmanship and especially cuisine. The best food in all of Genia is made in the kingdom of Lutaria.

The patron deity of Lutaria is Lord Moccus. Lutarian magic is sensual and gastronomic in nature. The vibrant eye color of orcs reflects the mood and creative character that each Lutarian can bring to both their creative pursuits and their magic. Much like ogres, orcish magic focuses heavily on augmentation. But unlike the elemental forces of ogres or drakes, Lutarian magic imbues power into perfumes, potions and especially food. Lutarian consumable magic is as much a magical discipline as it is a creative expression. Lutarians learn about the magical temperaments of others, and through developing relationships with them, they produce culinary creations – to whatever specific requirements are necessary, that embody their innate powers. Lutarian orcs use these experiences to develop magical recipes – ones that are highly unique and sought after throughout Genia. That said, it is important to remember that not all Lutarians have the best intentions. Much like the powerful life magic of the elves, orcish magic has just as much of a dark side. A scorned orc can create cursed food or perfumes with darker magic than any other race. It is for this reason that Lutarian magic and divine ritual is taught through a carefully regulated, communal initiation of elder sorcerers.


Lucania is woodland nation inhabited by the leshy race. Lucanian culture is most strongly defined by strength and an ardent advocacy for the natural world. Lucanians are solitary by nature but a force to be reckoned with when provoked. Leshy settlements are often highly naturalistic, agrarian and typified by communal living.

The patron deity of Lucania is Lady Artio. Lucanian magic is highly elemental in nature. Leshies are powerful offensive earth magic casters, but also have formidable healing where appropriate. But where ogres truly excel is in augmentation. Leshy magic can produce physical strength and agility that even the elves cannot match. The most powerful soldiers and guardians in all of Genia are in Lucania, and for good reason. Only Lucanians have the composure to withstand the burdens of such strength. This stoicism is embodied in their highly druidic culture. As you might expect, their druidic magic is strongly connected the Nemionite elves and many Genic historians have theorized a deeper connection in the distant past.