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Nymphs or fishfolk are a silvery light blue scaled, piscine race that resemble anthropic sardines or mackarel. They have ectomorphic builds and are between three and four feet tall.


Boggarts or frogfolk are a bright green-skinned, ranine race that resemble anthropic frogs or toads. They have ectomorphic builds and are between three and four feet tall.


Drakes or lizardfolk are a dark, muted green-scaled, crocodiline race that resemble anthropic crocodiles, alligators or caiman. They have highly endomorphic builds and are between seven and eight feet tall.


Silvans or owlfolk are a medium grey feathered, strigine race that resemble anthropic, great grey owls with vibrant yellow eyes. They have mesomorphic builds and are between four and five feet tall.


Goblins or batfolk are a dark furred, chiropteran race that resemble wingless, anthropic bats with small, dark eyes. They have ectomorphic builds and are between three to four feet tall.


Goblins or harefolk are a furry, leporine race that resemble anthropic hares or rabbits. They have ectomorphic builds and are between four to five feet tall.


Elves or foxfolk are an agile, soft furred, vulpine race that resemble anthropic foxes. Red foxfolk or wood elves have reddish-orange fur and silver foxfolk or drow have deep black fur. All elves and drow have elegant, mesomorphic builds and are between six to seven feet tall.


Gnomes or catfolk are an agile, soft furred, feline race that resemble anthropic wild cats with muted, spotted fur in shades of greyish brown. Gnomes have mesomorphic builds and are between four and five feet tall.


Fauns or goatfolk are a playful, caprine race that resemble anthropic wild goats with light brown fur and bright eyes. They have mesomorphic builds and are between five and six feet tall.


Dwarves or badgerfolk are a mustelid race that resemble anthropic badgers. They have neutral back, white and grey fur. They have stout, mesomorphic builds and are between four to five feet tall.


Leshy or bearfolk are a dark, chestnut brown furred, ursine race that resemble anthropic grizzly bears. They have imposing, endomorphic builds and are between seven to eight feet tall.


Orcs or boarfolk are a bristly furred, suine race that resemble anthropic boars. Orcs have vibrant colored eyes in either red, yellow, green, blue or violet. Wood orcs or brown boarfolk have deep, muted brown fur and stone orcs or black orcfolk have dark, warm black fur. They have imposing, endomorphic builds and are between six to seven feet tall.